I can barely contain my excitment about this baby while I'm truly wishing for a boy.....knowing that the baby is growing healthily....is great news for the time being. Based on the doctor's assessment....Rachel is slightly further along than the previous doctor estimated....which means the due date has been moved up. She's now expected to be due on May 3rd. Our next visit will be in late November....at which time we'll be able to find out the sex of the baby.....I want to know.....Rachel doesn't....she wants to be surprised. So once I know what the sex of the baby is....I'll be posting that information on here for everyone to know.
Below is the most recent ultrasound picture. It's amazing how the baby develops....and at only 12 weeks......you can see the formation of the arms and legs....and if you look closely....you can see the facial features beginning to form. I'm not sure if you can tell or not.....but having this baby has awakened inside me an even stronger desire to be the best father I can possibly be. Check out the picture.

Remember......."You're Worth It"
J. Earl Smith
@JSmith2523 on Twitter